
You may be wondering how you ended up here. It’s simple. The siren call of the swordfoosh seduced you. That, by the way, is probably the first time (thus far) that I’ve used the term “swordfoosh” correctly, despite it being my own invention. The term is plural, you see.

Now that you’re here, you’re welcome to stay a while. I can’t entice you with anything too exciting just yet, but there’s a blog to read and some pictures to look at. In the coming days, weeks, months, and years (optimistic, aren’t I?), there will be even more engaging content – videos, interviews, possibly a poem or two.

Hm, perhaps a poem wouldn’t go amiss now.

Clambering chaotically through the sloosh,
Coruscates the cacophonous Swordfoosh.

What? It’s the best I could do.
