On Renaissance and Second Chances

I’m a coward, I’ll have you know. The truth is, I’ve been avoiding my lovely neighbours for the past two months because at some point we hadn’t seen each other in a while and it became awkward. You can’t come back from that, you know?

One time, I made friends with a barista when I came into the coffee shop next to my work every day. Then, I went away for a month and upon my return, suddenly found myself going out of my way to avoid the place. Too awkward, you see.

It’s all in my head and completely juvenile. So here I am, tail between my legs, making my way back to Swordfoosh – the WordPress and the Instagram.

Now, I can’t promise anything. But I’ll give it another shot. The world is beautiful and weird and I just bought myself a new macro lens (heh), so you never know.