In support of Ukraine

My heart is breaking. This morning, we all woke up to war.

In my case, I woke up in the distant comfort of London, whereas friends, family, and colleagues in Ukraine woke to bombs going off.

How is this possible? Why has Europe allowed this to happen?

I don’t have the right words to express my anguish, my anxiety. But silence is complacency, and I refuse to be complacent as the Ukrainian people fear for their future.

24 February 2022, London

And now, it’s simply unfathomable to me that my life in London can continue unscathed while Ukraine is under attack, and the lives of so many hang in delicate balance.

But what’s important now is to avoid wallowing in despondency. Even if there isn’t anything we can do on the ground, we can offer financial support, we can write to our elected officials, we can attend rallies, we can protest.

And we will prevail.

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